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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

De-excitation C and O lines and the 511 keV annihilation line from Sgr A*

V.A. Dogiel, K.S. Cheng, D.O. Chernyshov, T.I. Hasegawa, C.M. Koe, W.H. Ip

New Astronomy Reviews, Vol.52, 460-462, 2008

Detecting Unambiguously Non-Abelian Geometric Phases with Trapped Ions

X.D. Zhang, Z.D. Wang, L.B. Hu, Z.M. Zhang, S.L. Zhu

New Journal of Physics, Vol.10, 043031:1-10, 2008

High energy radiation from the Galactic black hole Sgr A*

K.S. Cheng, D.O. Chernyshov, V.A. Dogiel

Nuclear Physics B: Proceedings Supplements, Vol.175, 383-388, 2008

Quark-Hadron Phase Transitions in Brane-World Cosmologies

G. De Risi, T.C. Harko, F.S.N. Lobo, J.C.S. Pun

Nuclear Physics B: Proceedings Supplements, Vol.805, 190-206, 2008

Lasing threshold dependence on excitation pulse duration in ZnO tetrapods

Y.F. Hsu, E.S.P. Leong, W.M. Kwok, A.B. Djurišić, S.F. Yu, D.L. Phillips, W.K. Chan

Optical Materials, Vol.31, 35-38, 2008

3,4,9,10-Perylenetetracarboxylicdiimide as an Interlayer for Ultraviolet Organic Light Emitting Diodes

A.M.C. Ng, A.B. Djurišić, K.H. Tam, K.W. Cheng, W.K. Chan, H.L. Tam, K.W. Cheah, A.W. Lu, J. Chan, A.D. Rakic

Optics Communications, Vol.281, 2498-2503, 2008