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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

Polarization of High-Energy Emission from the Crab Pulsar

J. Takata, H.K. Chang, K.S. Cheng

The Astrophysical Journal, Vol.656, 1044-1055, 2007

The Molecular Envelope around the Red Supergiant VY CMa

S. Muller, D.V. Trung, J.J.L. Lim, N. Hirano, C. Muthu, S. Kwok

The Astrophysical Journal, Vol.656, 1109-1120, 2007

s-Process abundances in planetary nebulae

B. Sharpee, Y. Zhang, R. Williams, E. Pellegrini, K. Cavagnolo, J.A. Baldwin, M. Phillips, X.W. Liu

The Astrophysical Journal, Vol.659, 1265-1290, 2007

Multiple coaxial rings in the bipolar nebula Hubble 12

S. Kwok, C.H. Hsia

The Astrophysical Journal, Vol.660, 341-345, 2007

A Study of the 3.3 and 3.4 μm Emission Features in Proto-Planetary Nebulae

B.J. Hrivnak, T.R. Geballe, S. Kwok

The Astrophysical Journal, Vol.662, 1059-1066, 2007

Diffraction-Limited 3 μm Spectroscopy of IRAS 04296+3429 and IRAS 05341+0852: Spatial Extent of Hydrocarbon Dust Emission and Dust Evolutionary Sequence

M. Goto, S. Kwok, H. Takami, M. Hayashi, W. Gaessler, Y. Hayano, M. Iye, Y. Kamata, T. Kanzawa, N. Kobayashi, Y. Minowa, K. Nedachi, S. Oya, T.S. Pyo, D. Saint-Jacques, N. Takato, H. Terada, T. Henning

The Astrophysical Journal, Vol.662, 389-394, 2007