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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

Organometallic polymer light-emitting diodes derived from a platinum(II) polyyne containing the bithiazole ring

W.Y. Wong, G.J. Zhou, Z. He, K.Y. Cheung, A.M.C. Ng, A.B. Djurišić, W.K. Chan

Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, Vol.209, 1319-1332, 2008

Reflectance Spectra of Individual Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

H.L. Zeng, L.Y. Jiao, X.J. Xian, X.C. Qin, Z.F. Liu, X.D. Cui

Nanotechnology, Vol.19, 045708:1-4, 2008

Diameter Control of Tungsten Oxide Nanowires as Grown by Thermal Evaporation

K.Q. Hong, M.H. Xie, R. Hu, H.S. Wu

Nanotechnology, Vol.19, 085604:1-5, 2008

Definition of Current Density in the Presence of a Non-Local Potential

C.S. Li, L.H. Wan, Y.D. Wei, J. Wang

Nanotechnology, Vol.19, 155401:1-5, 2008

Optically Tunable Intramolecular Charge Transfer Dyes for Vacuum Deposited Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells

C.S.K. Mak, Q.Y. Leung, W.K. Chan, A.B. Djurišić

Nanotechnology, Vol.19, 424008:1-8, 2008

Emittance fluctuation of mesoscopic conductors in the presence of disorders

W. Ren, F.M. Xu, J. Wang

Nanotechnology, Vol.19, 435402:1-6, 2008