
Knowledge Exchange (KE), together with Teaching and Research, form the three pillars that underpin all the activities of The University of Hong Kong (HKU). The University defines KE as engaging, for mutual benefit, with business, government or the public to generate, acquire, apply and make accessible the knowledge needed to enhance material, human, social, cultural and environmental well-being. KE is a two-way process, and it not only includes technology transfer but also encompasses all disciplines, including the arts and humanities and the social sciences.
The University has a long tradition of contributing to the community, and our faculty members have been engaging in a wide range of knowledge exchange activities through, inter alia, applied research, technology transfer, delivery of professional and continuing education courses, public lectures, and expertise sharing through professional bodies and media. KE, being a natural consequence of research and teaching, is at the heart of the wide range of activities that our faculty members undertake with the non-academic sectors of our society.
As a centre of intellectual development, creativity and informed social awareness, the University will strive to ensure that KE contributes to regional and global development, and increase the opportunities for staff and students to benefit from the commercialization and application of their expertise. The strategic initiatives in KE are set out in the HKU Strategic Development Plan 2009-2014.