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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

High Velocity Precessing Jets from the Water fountain IRAS 18286-0959 Revealed by Very Long Baseline Array Observations

B.H.K. Yung, J. Nakashima, H. Imai, S. Deguchi, P.J. Diamond, S. Kwok

The Astrophysical Journal, Vol.741, 94:1-14, 2011

HST-COS Observations of Hydrogen, Helium, Carbon, and Nitrogen Emission from the SN 1987A Reverse Shock

K. France, R. McCray, S.V. Penton, R.P. Kirshner, P. Challis, J.M. Laming, P. Bouchet, R.A. Chevalier, P.M. Garnavich, C. Fransson, K. Heng, J. Larsson, S.S. Lawrence, P. Lundqvist, N. Panagia, J.C.S. Pun, N. Smith, J. Sollerman, G. Sonneborn, B. Sugerman, J.C. Wheeler

The Astrophysical Journal, Vol.743, 186:1-11, 2011

First-Principle Study of Magnetism Induced by Vacancies in Graphene

X.Q. Dai, J.H. Zhao, M.H. Xie, Y.N. Tang, B. Zhao

The European Physical Journal B, Vol.80, 343-349, 2011

Nearly Noninvasive Readout and Manipulation of Spin in Double Quantum Dot Using Spin Bias

H.Z. Lu, R. Lü, S.Q. Shen

The European Physical Journal B, Vol.83, 69-75, 2011

Optically-driven cooling for collective atomic excitations

Y. Li, Z.D. Wang, C.P. Sun

The European Physical Journal D, Vol.61, 215-220, 2011

Implementing Multi-Qubit Entanglement of Two-Level Systems inside a Superconducting Phase Qubit

L.B. Yu, Z.Y. Xue, Z.D. Wang, Y. Yu, S.L. Zhu

The European Physical Journal D, Vol.61, 499-505, 2011