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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

First detection of CO lines in a water fountain star

J.H. He, H. Imai, T.I. Hasegawa, S.W. Campbell, J. Nakashima

Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol.488, L21-L24, 2008

Dark Matter as a Geometric Effect in f(R) Gravity

C.G. Böhmer, T.C. Harko, F.S.N. Lobo

Astroparticle Physics, Vol.29, 386-392, 2008

Spin-Filter Effect Induced by Magnetic Edge States of Zigzag Carbon Nanotube

Z.F. Jiang, J. Li, S.Q. Shen, W.M. Liu

Chinese Physics Letters, Vol.25, 1431-1434, 2008

Solar System Tests of Brane World Models

C.G. Böhmer, T.C. Harko, F.S.N. Lobo

Classical and Quantum Gravity, Vol.25, 045015-045015, 2008

Wormhole Geometries with Conformal Motions

C.G. Böhmer, T.C. Harko, F.S.N. Lobo

Classical and Quantum Gravity, Vol.25, 075016-075016, 2008

Polymer Solar Cells Based on Very Narrow-Bandgap Polyplatinynes with Photocurrents Extended into the Near-Infrared Region

X.Z. Wang, W.Y. Wong, K.Y. Cheung, M.K. Fung, A.B. Djurišić, W.K. Chan

Dalton Transactions, Vol.2008, 5484-5494, 2008