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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

Universally Composable and Customizable Post-Processing for Practical Quantum Key Distribution

X.F. Ma, C.H.F. Fung, J.C. Boileau, H.F. Chau

Computers & Security, Vol.30, 172-177, 2011

Indium Tin Oxide Nanorods by dc Sputtering

M.K. Fung, Y.C. Sun, A. Ng, A.B. Djurišić, W.K. Chan

Current Applied Physics, Vol.11, 594-597, 2011

Amorphous organic solids as a component of interstellar dust

S. Kwok

Earth Planets Space, Vol.63, 1021-1026, 2011

Competition of Resistive-Switching Mechanisms in Nickel-Rich Nickel Oxide Thin Films

Q. Yu, Y. Liu, T.P. Chen, Z. Liu, Y.F. Yu, S. Fung

Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, Vol.14, H400-H403, 2011

Orbital-transverse density-wave instabilities in iron-based superconductors

Z.J. Yao, J.X. Li, Q. Han, Z.D. Wang

Europhysics Letters, Vol.93, 37009-1-6, 2011

Reversible in situ Modulation of Competing Phases In Manganite/Ferroelectrics Heterostructures

L.P. Chen, J. Gao

Europhysics Letters, Vol.93, 47009-1-5, 2011