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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

Photocatalytic Activity of Metal Oxides - The Role of Holes and OH· Radicals

M.Y. Guo, A.M.C. Ng, F.Z. Liu, A.B. Djurišić, W.K. Chan

Applied Catalysis B, Vol.107, 150-157, 2011

Indium Tin Oxide Nanowires Growth by dc Sputtering

M.K. Fung, Y.C. Sun, A.M.C. Ng, X.Y. Chen, K.K. Wong, A.B. Djurišić, W.K. Chan

Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, Vol.104, 1075-1080, 2011

Influence of Implantation Dose on Electroluminescence from Si-Implanted Silicon Nitride Thin Films

Z.H. Cen, T.P. Chen, L. Ding, Z. Liu, J.I. Wong, M. Yang, W.P. Goh, S. Fung

Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, Vol.104, 239-245, 2011

Self-Learning Ability Realized with a Resistive Switching Device Based on a Ni-Rich Nickel Oxide Thin Film

Y. Liu, T.P. Chen, Z. Liu, Y.F. Yu, Q. Yu, P. Li, S. Fung

Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, Vol.105, 855-860, 2011

Growth of Multilayers of Bi2Se3/ZnSe: Heteroepitaxial Interface Formation and Strain

H.D. Li, Z.Y. Wang, X. Guo, T.L. Wong, N. Wang, M.H. Xie

Applied Physics Letters, Vol.98, 043104:1-3, 2011

Strain-Mediated Electric-Field Control of Photoinduced Demagnetization in La0.8Ca0.2MnO3 Thin Films

E.J. Guo, J. Gao, H.B. Lu

Applied Physics Letters, Vol.98, 081903-1-3, 2011