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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

A fast-rising tidal disruption event from a candidate intermediate-mass black hole

H. Pfister, (with Collaboration)

Nature Astronomy, Vol.6(12), 1452-1463, 2022

Different timescales during ultrafast stilbene isomerization in the gas and liquid phases revealed using time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy

C.C. Wang, M.D.J. Waters, P.J. Zhang, J. Suchan, V. Svoboda, T.T. Luu, C. Perry, Z. Yin, P. Slavíček, H.J. Wörner

Nature Chemistry, Vol.14(10), 1126-1132, 2022

Collective interactions among organometallics are exotic bonds hidden on lab shelves

S. Sowlati-Hashjin, V. Sadek, S. Sadjadi, M. Karttunen, A. Martín-Pendás, C. Foroutan-Nejad

Nature Communications, Vol.13(1), 2069:1-9, 2022

Inducing and tuning Kondo screening in a narrowelectronic- band system

S.W. Shen, C.H.P. Wen, P.F. Kong, J.J. Gao, J.G. Si, X. Luo, W.J. Lu, Y.P. Sun, G. Chen, S.C. Yan

Nature Communications, Vol.13(1), 2156:1-7, 2022

Rich nature of Van Hove singularities in Kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5

Y. Hu, X.X. Wu, B.R. Ortiz, S.L. Ju, X.L. Han, J.Z. Ma, N.C. Plumb, M. Radovic, R. Thomale, S.D. Wilson, A.P. Schnyder, M. Shi

Nature Communications, Vol.13(1), 2220:1-7, 2022

Monte Carlo study of the pseudogap and superconductivity emerging from quantum magnetic fluctuations

W.L. Jiang, Y.Z. Liu, A. Klein, Y.X. Wang, K. Sun, A.V. Chubukov, Z.Y. Meng

Nature Communications, Vol.13(1), 2655:1-7, 2022