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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

Enzyme-free photothermally amplified fluorescent immunosorbent assay (PAFISA) for sensitive cytokine quantification

D. Li, W. He, X.Y. Lin, X.D. Cui, S. Nagl, A.R.H. Wu, R.T.K. Kwok, R.H. Wu, B.Z. Tang

Aggregate, Vol.4(6), e384:1-9, 2023


Reducing the impact of adaptive optics lag on optical and quantum communications rates from rapidly moving sources

K.S. Chan, H.F. Chau

AIP Advances, Vol.13(5), 055201:1-14, 2023

Controlled Self-assembly of Gold(I) Complexes by Multiple Kinetic Aggregation States with Nonlinear Optical and Waveguide Properties

Z.S. Li, K. Xiao, Q.Y. Wan, R. Tang, K.H. Low, X.D. Cui, C.M. Che

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, Vol.62(10), e202216523:1-11, 2023

Niobium and rhenium doping in MoSe2 monolayer during molecular beam epitaxy: Shallow dopants and defect proliferation

J.Q. Zhang, Y.P. Xia, Z.B. Yu, X.Y. Yue, Y.J. Jin, M.F. Yuan, Y. Feng, B. Li, B. Wang, W.K. Ho, C. Liu, H. Xu, C.H. Jin, M.H. Xie

APL Materials, Vol.11(7), 071113:1-7, 2023

Synaptic learning behavior and neuromorphic computing of Au/MXene/NiO/FTO artificial synapse

J.L. Fang, Z.H. Tang, X.Q. Li, Z.Y. Fan, Y.P. Jiang, Q.X. Liu, X.G. Tang, J.M. Fan, J. Gao, J. Shang

Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 123(13), 132101:1-8, 2023

Concept for a fractional energy barrier tunneling junction

Y.C. Chen, D.K. Ki, Z.B. Li, J. Chen

Applied Physics Letters, Vol.123(24), 243503:1-5, 2023