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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

Spatial reflection and renormalization group flow of quantum many-body systems with matrix product state representation

L.X. Cen, Z.D. Wang

Europhysics Letters, Vol.82, 40003:1-5, 2008

Conductance Plateau in Quantum Spin Transport through an Interacting Quantum Dot

Y.J. Bao, N.H. Tong, Q.F. Sun, S.Q. Shen

Europhysics Letters, Vol.83, 37007:1-5, 2008

Physics of Dark Energy Particles

C.G. Böhmer, T.C. Harko

Foundations of Physics, Vol.38, 216-227, 2008

Shot Noises of Spin and Charge Currents in a Ferromagnet-quantum-dot-ferromagnet System

H.K. Zhao, J. Wang

Frontiers of Physics in China, Vol.3, 280-293, 2008

Factors affecting ventilation effectiveness in SARS wards

Y.G. Li, M. Leung, W.H. Seto, P.L. Yuen, J.K.C. Leung, J.K. Kwan, S.C.T. Yu

Hong Kong Medical Journal (Supplement), Vol.14, 33-36, 2008

A note on an early female meteorologist: Miss Anna Doberck

P.K. MacKeown

International Journal of Meteorology, Vol.2008, 33:334-339, 2008