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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

Vortex States in Iron-Based Superconductors with Collinear Antiferromagnetic Cores

H.M. Jiang, J.X. Li, Z.D. Wang

Physical Review B, Vol.80, 134505:1-8, 2009

Cooling a Micromechanical Resonator by Quantum Back-Action from a Noisy Qubit

Y.D. Wei, Y. Li, F. Xue, C. Bruder, K. Semba

Physical Review B, Vol.80, 144508:1-4, 2009

Origin of the Checkerboard Pattern in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Maps of Underdoped Cuprate Superconductors

K.Y. Yang, W.Q. Chen, T.M. Rice, F.C. Zhang

Physical Review B, Vol.80, 174505:1-7, 2009

Disorder Effect of Resonant Spin Hall Effect in a Tilted Magnetic Field

Z.F. Jiang, S.Q. Shen, F.C. Zhang

Physical Review B, Vol.80, 195301:1-6, 2009

Nernst and Seebeck Effects in a Graphene Nanoribbon

Y.X. Xing, Q.F. Sun, J. Wang

Physical Review B, Vol.80, 235411:1-8, 2009

First-principles calculation of chiral current and quantum self-inductance of carbon nanotubes

B. Wang, R.L. Chu, J. Wang, H. Guo

Physical Review B, Vol.80, 235430:1-5, 2009