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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

Dynamic Sensitivity of Photon-Dressed Atomic Ensemble with Quantum Criticality

J.F. Huang, Y. Li, J.Q. Liao, L.M. Kuang, C.P. Sun

Physical Review A, Vol.80, 063829:1-7, 2009

In-Plane Noncollinear Exchange Coupling Mediated by Helical Edge States in Quantum Spin Hall Systems

J.H. Gao, W.Q. Chen, X.C. Xie, F.C. Zhang

Physical Review B (Rapid Communications), Vol.80, 241302:1-4, 2009

Current-induced resistive switching effect in oxygen-deficient La0.8Ca0.2MnO3-δ films

Z.G. Sheng, J. Gao, Y.P. Sun

Physical Review B, Vol.79, 014433:1-5, 2009

Relation between Nonequilibrium Green's Function and Lippmann-Schwinger Formalism in the First-Principles Quantum Transport Theory

J. Wang, H. Guo

Physical Review B, Vol.79, 045119:1-5, 2009

Exploring Exotic Superfluidity of Polarized Ultracold Fermions in Optical Lattices

Y. Chen, Z.D. Wang, F.C. Zhang, C.S. Ting

Physical Review B, Vol.79, 054512:1-9, 2009

Identification of Zn-Vacancy-Hydrogen Complexes in ZnO Single Crystals: A Challenge to Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy

G. Brauer, W. Anwand, D. Grambole, J. Grenzer, W. Skorupa, J. Čižek, J. Kuriplach, I. Procházka, F.C.C. Ling, C.K. So, D. Schulz, D. Klimm

Physical Review B, Vol.79, 115212:1-15, 2009