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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

Even Parity, Orbital Singlet, and Spin Triplet Pairing for Superconducting LaFeAsO1−xFx

Publications in Physical Review Letters

X. Dai, Z. Fang, Y. Zhou, F.C. Zhang

Physical Review Letters, Vol.101, 057008:1-4, 2008

An Additive and Operational Entanglement Measure: Conditional Entanglement of Mutual Information

Publications in Physical Review Letters

D. Yang, M. Horodecki, Z.D. Wang

Physical Review Letters, Vol.101, 140501:1-4, 2008

Disorder-Induced Enhancement of Transport through Graphene p-n Junctions

Publications in Physical Review Letters

W. Long, Q.F. Sun, J. Wang

Physical Review Letters, Vol.101, 166806:1-4, 2008

Na4Ir3O8 as a 3D Spin Liquid with Fermionic Spinons

Publications in Physical Review Letters

Y. Zhou, P.A. Lee, T.K. Ng, F.C. Zhang

Physical Review Letters, Vol.101, 197201:1-4, 2008

Finite Size Effects on Helical Edge States in a Quantum Spin-Hall System

Publications in Physical Review Letters

B. Zhou, H.Z. Lu, R.L. Chu, S.Q. Shen, Q. Niu

Physical Review Letters, Vol.101, 246807:1-4, 2008

Realizing and Detecting the Quantum Hall Effect without Landau Levels by Using Ultracold Atoms

Publications in Physical Review Letters

L.B. Shao, S.L. Zhu, L. Sheng, D.Y. Xing, Z.D. Wang

Physical Review Letters, Vol.101, 246810:1-4, 2008