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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

First-Principles Investigation of Transport Properties through Longitudinal Unzipped Carbon Nanotubes

B. Wang, J. Wang

Physical Review B, Vol.81, 045425:1-6, 2010

Universal Conductance Fluctuation of Mesoscopic Systems in the Metal-Insulator Crossover Regime

Z.H. Qiao, Y.X. Xing, J. Wang

Physical Review B, Vol.81, 085114:1-6, 2010

Electric-Field Modulation of the Number of Helical Edge States in Thin-Film Semiconductors

Z.F. Jiang, R.L. Chu, S.Q. Shen

Physical Review B, Vol.81, 115322:1-4, 2010

Massive Dirac Fermions and Spin Physics in an Ultrathin Film of Topological Insulator

H.Z. Lu, W.Y. Shan, W. Yao, Q. Niu, S.Q. Shen

Physical Review B, Vol.81, 115407:1-7, 2010

Transient Dynamics of Molecular Devices under a Steplike Pulse Bias

B. Wang, Y.X. Xing, L. Zhang, J. Wang

Physical Review B, Vol.81, 121103(R):1-4, 2010

Focusing of Electron Flow in a Bipolar Graphene Ribbon with Different Chiralities

Y.X. Xing, J. Wang, Q.F. Sun

Physical Review B, Vol.81, 165425:1-10, 2010