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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

Determination of the Sign of g Factors for Conduction Electrons Using Time-Resolved Kerr Rotation

C.L. Yang, J.F. Dai, W.K. Ge, X.D. Cui

Applied Physics Letters, Vol.96, 152109:1-3, 2010

Enhancement of Spontaneous Emission Rate and Reduction in Amplified Spontaneous Emission Threshold in Electrodeposited Three-Dimensional ZnO Photonic Crystal

Y.C. Zhong, Z.N. Yue, K.L. Wong, Y.Y. Xi, Y.F. Hsu, A.B. Djurišić, J.W. Dong, W.J. Chen, K.S. Wong

Applied Physics Letters, Vol.97, 191102:1-3, 2010

TANGO I: Interstellar Medium in Nearby Radio Galaxies - Molecular Gas

B.O. Flaquer, S. Leon, F. Combes, J.J.L. Lim

Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol.518, A9:1-23, 2010

An Ensemble Kalman Filter for Atmospheric Data Assimilation: Application to Wind Tunnel Data

D.Q. Zheng, J.K.C. Leung, B.Y. Lee

Atmospheric Environment, Vol.44, 1699-1705, 2010

Observation of a pp Mass Threshold Enhancement in Ψ' π+π- J/Ψ(J/&P

J.K.C. Leung, B.J. Liu, J.C.S. Pun, (with BESIII Collaboration)

Chinese Physics C, Vol.34, 421-426, 2010

Spin Filter of Graphene Nanoribbon Based Structure

L.H. Wan, Y.J. Yu, B. Wang

Chinese Physics Letters, Vol.27, 087205:1-4, 2010