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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

Fractal Dimension and Thermodynamic Fluctuation Properties of IDV Light Curves

C.S. Leung, J.Y. Wei, Z. Kovács, T.C. Harko

Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol.11, 1031-1045, 2011

Sequential Establishment of Stripe Patterns in an Expanding Cell Population

Publications in Science

C.L. Liu, X.F. Fu, L.Z. Liu, X.J. Ren, C.K.L. Chau, S.H. Li, L. Xiang, H.L. Zeng, G.H. Chen, L.H. Tang, P. Lenz, X.D. Cui, W. Huang, T. Hwa, J.D. Huang

Science, Vol.334, 238-241, 2011

Deep Level Transient Spectroscopic Study of Oxygen Implanted Melt Grown ZnO Single Crystal

Z.R. Ye, X.H. Lu, G.W. Ding, S. Fung, F.C.C. Ling, G. Brauer, W. Anwand

Semiconductor Science and Technology, Vol.26, 095016:1-6, 2011

2-Step Self-Assembly Method to Fabricate Broadband Omnidirectional Antireflection Coating in Large Scale

K.M. Yeung, W.C. Luk, K.C. Tam, C.Y. Kwong, M.A. Tsai, H.C. Kuo, A.M.C. Ng, A.B. Djurišić

Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Vol.95, 699-703, 2011

Current Induced Metastable States and Abnormal Electroresistance Effect in Epitaxial Thin Films of La0.8Ca0.2MnO3

L.P. Chen, J. Gao

Solid State Communications, Vol.151, 1293-1295, 2011

Topological Insulator and the Dirac Equation

S.Q. Shen, W.Y. Shan, H.Z. Lu

SPIN, Vol.1(1), 33-44, 2011