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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

Evolution Equation of Entanglement for Bipartite Systems

Z.G. Li, S.M. Fei, Z.D. Wang, W.M. Liu

Physical Review A (Brief Reports), Vol.79, 024303:1-4, 2009

Entanglement Monogamy and Entanglement Evolution in Multipartite Systems

Y.K. Bai, M.Y. Ye, Z.D. Wang

Physical Review A (Brief Reports), Vol.80, 044301:1-4, 2009

Implementing Topological Quantum Manipulation with Superconducting Circuits

Z.Y. Xue, S.L. Zhu, J.Q. You, Z.D. Wang

Physical Review A (Rapid Communications), Vol.79, 040303:1-4, 2009

Operator Fidelity Susceptibility: An Indicator of Quantum Criticality

X.G. Wang, Z. Sun, Z.D. Wang

Physical Review A, Vol.79, 012105:1-5, 2009

Dynamic Sensitivity of Photon-Dressed Atomic Ensemble with Quantum Criticality

J.F. Huang, Y. Li, J.Q. Liao, L.M. Kuang, C.P. Sun

Physical Review A, Vol.80, 063829:1-7, 2009

In-Plane Noncollinear Exchange Coupling Mediated by Helical Edge States in Quantum Spin Hall Systems

J.H. Gao, W.Q. Chen, X.C. Xie, F.C. Zhang

Physical Review B (Rapid Communications), Vol.80, 241302:1-4, 2009