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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

Statistics of Wigner Delay Time in Anderson Disordered Systems

F.M. Xu, J. Wang

Physical Review B, Vol.84, 024205-1-9, 2011

Topological Anderson Insulator Phenomena

Y.X. Xing, L. Zhang, J. Wang

Physical Review B, Vol.84, 035110-1-9, 2011

Vacancy-Induced Bound States in Topological Insulators

W.Y. Shan, J. Lu, H.Z. Lu, S.Q. Shen

Physical Review B, Vol.84, 035307-1-6, 2011

Spin-Polarized and Valley Helical Edge Modes in Graphene Nanoribbons

Z.H. Qiao, S.Y.A. Yang, B. Wang, Y.G. Yao, Q. Niu

Physical Review B, Vol.84, 035431-1-6, 2011

Global phase diagram of three-dimensional extended Boson Hubbard model: A continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo study

B. Xi, F. Ye, W.Q. Chen, F.C. Zhang, G. Su

Physical Review B, Vol.84, 054512:1-6, 2011

Crossover from Majorana Edge- to End-States in Quasi-One-Dimensional p-Wave Superconductors

B. Zhou, S.Q. Shen

Physical Review B, Vol.84, 054532:1-7, 2011