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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

Effect of the Starting Surfaces of GaN on Defect Formation in Epitaxial Co Thin Films

H.D. Li, T.L. Wong, N. Wang, J. Wang, Q. Li, M.H. Xie

Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.110, 093501:1-4, 2011

Growth of GaN on Si(111): Surfaces and Crystallinity of the Epifilms and the Transport Behavior of GaN/Si Heterojunctions

Z.J. Xu, L.X. Zhang, H.T. He, J.N. Wang, M.H. Xie

Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.110, 093514:1-7, 2011

ZnO Nanorod/GaN Light-Emitting Diodes: The Origin of Yellow and Violet Emission Bands under Reverse and Forward Bias

X.Y. Chen, A.M.C. Ng, F. Fang, Y.H. Ng, A.B. Djurišić, H.L. Tam, K.W. Cheah, S. Gwo, W.K. Chan, P.W.K. Fong, H.F. Lui, C. Surya

Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.110, 094513:1-12, 2011

Temperature dependence of current transport in Al/Al2O3 nanocomposite thin films

Y. Liu, T.P. Chen, L. Ding, M. Yang, Z. Liu, J.I. Wong, S. Fung

Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.110, 096108:1-3, 2011

Post-Growth Annealing Induced Change of Conductivity in As-Doped ZnO Grown by Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputtering

C.K. To, B. Yang, S.C. Su, F.C.C. Ling, C.D. Beling, S. Fung

Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.110, 113521:1-6, 2011

Phase Diagram and Spin-Glass Phenomena in Electron-Doped La1−xHfxMnO3 (0.05 ≤ x ≤ 0.3) Manganite Oxides

E.J. Guo, L. Wang, Z.P. Wu, L. Wang, H.B. Lu, K.J. Jin, J. Gao

Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.110, 113914:1-7, 2011