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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

Two-Way Deterministic Quantum Key Distribution against Detector-Side-Channel Attacks

H. Lu, C.H.F. Fung, Q.Y. Cai

Physical Review A, Vol.88, 044302:1-4, 2013

Measurement-Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution with Uncharacterized Qubit Sources

Z.Q. Yin, C.H.F. Fung, X.F. Ma, C.M. Zhang, H.W. Li, W. Chen, S. Wang, G.C. Guo, Z.F. Han

Physical Review A, Vol.88, 062322:1-9, 2013

Single-Photon Transport in a One-Dimensional Waveguide Coupling to a Hybrid Atom-Optomechanical System

W.Z. Jia, Z.D. Wang

Physical Review A, Vol.88, 063821:1-8, 2013

Field-Free Synthetic-Ferromagnet Spin Torque Oscillator

Y. Zhou, J. Xiao, G.E.W. Bauer, F.C. Zhang

Physical Review B (Rapid Communications), Vol.87, 020409(R):1-4, 2013

Extrinsic Anomalous Hall Conductivity of a Topologically Nontrivial Conduction Band

H.Z. Lu, S.Q. Shen

Physical Review B (Rapid Communications), Vol.88, 081304(R):1-4, 2013

Majorana fermions qubit states and non-Abelian braiding statistics in quenched inhomogeneous spin ladders

Y.C. He, Y. Chen

Physical Review B (Rapid Communications), Vol.88, 180402(R):1-5, 2013