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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

Optimal Control of Stochastic Magnetization Dynamics by Spin Current

Y. Wang, F.C. Zhang

Europhysics Letters, Vol.102, 47001:1-6, 2013

Theory of Superconductivity in a Three-Orbital Model of Sr2RuO4

Q.H. Wang, C. Platt, Y. Yang, C. Honerkamp, F.C. Zhang, W. Hanke, T.M. Rice, R. Thomale

Europhysics Letters, Vol.104, 17013:1-5, 2013

Ultraviolet Lasing Characteristics of ZnS Microbelt Lasers

H. Zhu, S.C. Su, S.F. Yu, W.F. Zhang, F.C.C. Ling, H.Y. Yang

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol.19, 1501705:1-5, 2013

First Principles Simulations of Nanoscale Silicon Devices With Uniaxial Strain

L.N. Zhang, F. Zahid, Y. Zhu, L. Liu, J. Wang, H. Guo, P.C.H. Chan, M.S. Chan

IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol.60, 3527-3533, 2013

Geometrical Dependence of Thermally Excited Mag-Noise Spatial Distribution in Magnetic Tunnel Junction Sensors

T. Zeng, Y. Zhou, K.W. Lin, P.T. Lai, P.W.T. Pong

IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol.49, 3121-3124, 2013

Fundamental Constraints on Linear Response Theories of Fermi Superfluids above and below Tc

H. Guo, C.C. Chien, Y. He, K. Levin

International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.27, 1330010:1-20, 2013