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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

The High-velocity System: Infall of a Giant Low-surface-brightness Galaxy toward the Center of the Perseus Cluster

A.P.L. Yu, J.J.L. Lim, J.C.C. Chan, Y. Ohyama, T. Broadhurst

The Astrophysical Journal, Vol.814(2), 101:1-26, 2015

Chemical Abundances of Planetary Nebulae in the Substructures of M31

X. Fang, R. Garcia-Benito, M.A. Guerrero, X.W. Liu, H.B. Yuan, Y. Zhang, B. Zhang

The Astrophysical Journal, Vol.815(1), 69:1-22, 2015

Simulation of Spin-Torque Diode Microwave Detectors

C.L. Cao, Y. Zhou, X.C. Zhang, Y.M. Wu, P.W.T. Pong

The European Physical Journal Applied Physics, Vol.69(1), 10603:1-4, 2015

Quantum Tunneling and Entanglement of Dipolar Spin-1 Bosons in Double Well Potentials

Y.X. Huang, X.Q. Wang, Z. Sun, X.G. Wang

The European Physical Journal D, Vol.69(7), 181:1-7, 2015

Control of Two-dimensional Excitonic Light Emission via Photonic Crystal

S.F. Wu, S. Buckley, A.M. Jones, J.S. Ross, N.J. Ghimire, J.Q. Yan, D.G. Mandrus, W. Yao, F. Hatami, J. Vučković, A. Majumdar, X.D. Xu

2D Materials, Vol.1, 011001:1-11, 2014

In Situ Synthesis of CuxO/SnOx@CNT and CuxO/SnOx@SnO2/CNT Nanocomposite Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries by a Simple Chemical Treatment

X. Liu, F.Z. Liu, Q. Sun, A.M.C. Ng, A.B. Djurišić, M.H. Xie, C.Z. Liao, K.M. Shih, Z.F. Deng

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol.6, 13478-13486, 2014