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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

Einstein rings modulated by wavelike dark matter from anomalies in gravitationally lensed images

A. Amruth, T. Broadhurst, J.J.L. Lim, M. Oguri, G.F. Smoot, J.M. Diego, E. Leung, R. Emami, J.H. Li, T. Chiueh, H.Y. Schive, C.H. Yeung, S.K. Li

Nature Astronomy, Vol.7(6), 736-747, 2023

Time-reversal even charge hall effect from twisted interface coupling

D.W. Zhai, C. Chen, C. Xiao, W. Yao

Nature Communications, Vol.14(1), 1961:1-8, 2023

High-harmonic generation from a flat liquid-sheet plasma mirror

Y.H. Kim, H. Kim, S.C. Park, Y.J. Kwon, K.H. Yeom, W. Cho, T.Y. Kwon, H. Yun, J.H. Sung, S.K. Lee, T.T. Luu, C.H. Nam, K.T. Kim

Nature Communications, Vol.14(1), 2328:1-10, 2023


Unlocking the general relationship between energy and entanglement spectra via the wormhole effect

Z. Yan, Z.Y. Meng

Nature Communications, Vol.14(1), 2360:1-9, 2023

Mid-infrared analogue polaritonic reversed Cherenkov radiation in natural anisotropic crystals

X.D. Guo, C.C. Wu, S. Zhang, D.B. Hu, S.P. Zhang, Q. Jiang, X.K. Dai, Y. Duan, X.X. Yang, Z.P. Sun, S. Zhang, H.X. Xu, Q. Dai

Nature Communications, Vol.14(1), 2532:1-7, 2023

Stiefel-Whitney topological charges in a three-dimensional acoustic nodal-line crystal

H.R. Xue, Z. Y. Chen, Z.Y. Cheng, J. X. Dai, Y. Long, Y.X. Zhao, B.L. Zhang

Nature Communications, Vol.14(1), 4563:1-8, 2023