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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

Fractionalization and anomalies in symmetry-enriched U(1) gauge theories

S.Q. Ning, L.J. Zou, M. Cheng

Physical Review Research, Vol.2(4), 043043:1-25, 2020

Grüneisen parameters: Origin, identity, and quantum refrigeration

Y.C. Yu, S.Z. Zhang, X.W. Guan

Physical Review Research, Vol.2(4), 043066:1-9, 2020

Topological phase transition and nontrivial thermal Hall signatures in honeycomb lattice magnets

Y.H. Gao, X.P. Yao, G. Chen

Physical Review Research, Vol.2(4), 043071:1-8, 2020

Electron quasi-itinerancy intertwined with quantum order by disorder in pyrochlore iridate magnetism

G. Chen, X.Q. Wang

Physical Review Research, Vol.2(4), 043273:1-11, 2020

Clusterization transition between cluster Mott insulators on a breathing kagome lattice

X.P. Yao, X.T. Zhang, Y.B. Kim, X.Q. Wang, G. Chen

Physical Review Research, Vol.2(4), 043424:1-9, 2020

Collective excitations in two-dimensional SU(N) Fermi gases with tunable spin

B. Song, C.D. He, Z.J. Ren, E.T. Zhao, J.W. Lee, Y.C. Zhang, S.Z. Zhang, G.B. Jo

Physical Review Research, Vol.2, 012028:1-5, 2020