Vibrational strong coupling (VSC) has emerged as a transformative approach within quantum electrodynamics, offering unexpected control over the properties of molecular systems by coupling their vibrational modes to confined electromagnetic fields. One of the compelling applications of VSC is its potential to modulate the electronic properties of charge-transfer salts, a class of organic materials known for their exceptional conductivity. One notable example is TTF-TCNQ, the first organic metal, which exhibits metallic conductivity at room temperature and undergoes a Peierls phase transition near 38 K. This unique transition arises from the distortion of the periodic lattice of the crystal, making TTF-TCNQ a benchmark material for exploring correlated electron phenomena. By using VSC, we expect the electronic and vibrational dynamics of TTF-TCNQ can be tuned, therefore open new pathways to enhance its conductivity and explore novel phases of matter. Here, we investigate the interplay of vibrational modes and polaritonic states in TTF-TCNQ under VSC, giving a possible example on how strong light-matter coupling can influence its electronic properties and phase transitions.
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