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Research Highlights


Scaling of Entanglement Entropy at Deconfined Quantum Criticality

J.R. Zhao, Y.C. Wang, Z. Yan, M. Cheng, Z.Y. Meng

Physical Review Letters, Vol.128(1), 010601:1-6, 2022


Exciton Proliferation and Fate of the Topological Mott Insulator in a Twisted Bilayer Graphene Lattice Model

X.Y. Lin, B.B. Chen, W. Li, Z.Y. Meng, T. Shi

Physical Review Letters, Vol.128(15), 157201:1-8, 2022


Chiral Excitonics in Monolayer Semiconductors on Patterned Dielectrics

X.C. Yang, H.Y. Yu, W. Yao

Physical Review Letters, Vol.128(21), 217402:1-6, 2022

Paper Image

Fractionalization on the Surface: Is Type-II Terminated 1T−TaS2 Surface an Anomalously Realized Spin Liquid?

C.K. Li, X.P. Yao, J.P. Liu, G. Chen

Physical Review Letters, Vol.129(1), 017202:1-7, 2022


Topological Electromagnetic Effects and Higher Second Chern Numbers in Four-Dimensional Gapped Phases

Y.Q. Zhu, Z. Zheng, G. Palumbo, Z.D. Wang

Physical Review Letters, Vol.129(19), 196602:1-7, 2022


Efficient experimental quantum fingerprinting with channel multiplexing and simultaneous detection

X.Q. Zhong, F.H. Xu, H.K. Lo, Q. Li

Nature Communications, Vol.12(1), 4464:1-12, 2021