Measurement of the Neutrino Mass through the Effects of Relic Neutrinos on Cosmological Structure
Project Coordinator: J.J.L. Lim (HKU)
Co-PIs: T. Broadhurst (IKERBASQUE), J. Cenarro (CEFCA), M.C. Chu (CUHK), G. Smoot (UST)
Collaborators: L.R. Abramo (University of Sao Paulo), R.E. Angulo (DIPC), N.A. Bahcall (Princeton University), S. Bonoli (CEFCA), J.J.G. Cadenas (DIPC), Y.F. Cai (University of Science and Technology of China), K.C. Chan (Sun Yat-Sen University), J.M. Diego (IFCA), T. Dinh (Vietnam Academy of Sciences), R.A. Dupke (National Observatory of Brazil), R. Emami (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), N. Kaiser (ENS), X. Kong (University of Science and Technology of China, W.T. Luo (Kavli IPMU), C.Y. Ng (HKU), M. Oguri (University of Tokyo), K. Umetsu (ASIAA), J.M. Vilchez (IAA), A. Zitrin (University of the Negev)
By combining expertise in astronomical measurements at HKU, cosmological simulations at CUHK, and theoretical cosmology at HKUST, we have made a preliminary determination of the absolute neutrino mass scale:P m =(0:110:03)eV. This value is consistent with the minimum mass of 0.1 eV permitted by the inverted neutrino mass hierarchy, but not sufficiently precise to discriminate between this and the even lower minimum mass of 0.06 eV permitted by the normal hierarchy. Here, we seek to confirm our preliminary measurement by gathering more comprehensive astronomical data and conducting more exacting cosmological simulations, thus improving upon our measurement precision such as to potentially discriminate between the two neutrino mass hierarchies. A precise mass measurement will aid complementary laboratory experiments to determine the ordering of the neutrino mass hierarchy, and together guide physics beyond the Standard Model.
The Standard Model of particle physics unifies the strong, weak, and electromagnetic forces, as well as classifying all known elementary particles. This pillar of modern physics is, nonetheless, incomplete. In its current formulation, the three known types of neutrinos – the electron, muon, and tau “flavours” – should have no mass. The surprising discovery that neutrinos can change from one flavour to another, however, requires neutrinos to have mass. It is now understood that a neutrino of a specific flavour is each associated with a specific quantum superposition of three mass eigenstates having masses of m1, m2, and m3. The sum of the three mass eigenstates is simply referred to as the “neutrino mass,”P m =m1 +m2 +m3. The nonzero mass of neutrinos drives intensive major worldwide efforts to determine the neutrino mass, along with the ordering of its mass hierarchy: that is, whether m1
By measuring the probability of flavour changes as a function of neutrino energy and distance propagated, laboratory experiments are defining the values of neutrino oscillation parameters with increasing precision, thereby setting firm lower limits on the neutrino mass for either the NH and IH. One of these parameters, the mixing angle 13, was first determined by the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment, in which Hong Kong-based scientists played a leading role. The value of this parameter turned out to be surprisingly high, motivating future experiments to examine whether neutrinos violate charge-parity symmetry, which may then explain why there is far more matter than antimatter in the Universe. These experiments also promise a determination of the neutrino mass hierarchy, with current data favouring the NH. Some laboratory experiments even hint at the existence of additional neutrino species.
At present, cosmological data, rather than laboratory experiments, provide the most stringent constraints on both the number of neutrino species and the neutrino mass. Because neutrinos were created in abundance during the Big Bang, their properties can be measured through their effects on Big Bang nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). CMB measurements imply a total of three relic neutrinos species – as in the Standard Model – that slightly smoothed matter density fluctuations in the early Universe, and which are predicted to continue suppressing the growth of cosmological structure throughout subsequent cosmic history. We have measured this suppression for the first time by comparing thousands of galaxy clusters with theoretical computations and computer simulations of cosmologial structure formation defined using precise CMB measurements, thus leading to a first preliminary inference of the neutrino mass. To maintain momentum and cement Hong Kong at the forefront of this breakthrough, we propose to robustly confirm and measure with greater precision the neutrino mass by participating in a telescope survey ideally suited for studying galaxy clusters, and continuing the development of state-of-the-art cosmological simulations for exacting predictions regarding the effects of relic neutrinos on the growth of cosmological structure.