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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

Branched Luminescent Multinuclear Platinum(II) Alkynyl Complexes: Candidates for Efficient Two-Photon Induced Luminescence

C.H. Tao, H. Yang, N.Y. Zhu, V.W.W. Yam, S.J. Xu

Organometallics, Vol.27, 5453-5458, 2008

Playing the Hypothesis Testing Minority Game in the Maximal Reduced Strategy Space

H.F. Chau, V.H. Chan, F.K. Chow

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol.387, 5874-5886, 2008

Physical implementation of topologically decoherence-protected superconducting qubits

Z.Y. Xue, Z.D. Wang, S.L. Zhu

Physical Review A, Vol.77, 024301:1-4, 2008

Multipartite Entanglement in Four-Qubit Cluster-Class States

Y.K. Bai, Z.D. Wang

Physical Review A, Vol.77, 032313:1-6, 2008

Influence of the Trap Shape on the Detection of the Superfluid-Mott-Insulator Transition

P.N. Ma, K.Y. Yang, L. Pollet, J.V. Porto, M. Troyer, F.C. Zhang

Physical Review A, Vol.78, 023605:1-5, 2008

Exotic Quantum Phase Transitions in a Bose-Einstein Condensate Coupled to an Optical Cavity

G. Chen, X.G. Wang, J.Q. Liang, Z.D. Wang

Physical Review A, Vol.78, 023634:1-5, 2008