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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

26Al Decay: Heat Production and a Revised Age for Iapetus

J. Castillo-Rogez, T.V. Johnson, M.H. Lee, N.J. Turner, D.L. Matson, J. Lunine

Icarus, Vol.204, 658-662, 2009

Charging-induced changes in reverse current-voltage characteristics of Al/Al-rich Al2O3/p-Si diodes

W. Zhu, T.P. Chen, Y. Liu, M. Yang, S. Zhang, W.L. Zhang, S. Fung

IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol.56, 2060-2064, 2009

Quenching and reactivation of electroluminescence by charge trapping and detrapping in Si-implanted silicon nitride thin film

Z.H. Cen, T.P. Chen, L. Ding, Y. Liu, Z. Liu, M. Yang, J.I. Wong, W.P. Goh, F.R. Zhu, S. Fung

IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol.56, 3212-3217, 2009

First principles study on the structure and electronic properties of 2-Nitrimino-1-nitroimidazolidine

H. Zhang, L.J. Xu, F.C. Zhang, X.L. Cheng, G.W. An

International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol.109, 720-725, 2009

Correlated Band-Edge Emissions of ZnO Nanorods and GaN Underlying Substrate

J.Q. Ning, S.J. Xu, R.X. Wang, F. Zhang, H.Q. Le, S.J. Chua

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.48, 021102:1-4, 2009

Classification of Bound Exciton Complexes in Bulk ZnO by Magnetophotoluminescence Spectroscopy

L. Ding, B.K. Li, H.T. He, W.K. Ge, J.N. Wang, J.Q. Ning, X.M. Dai, F.C.C. Ling, S.J. Xu

Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.105, 053511:1-4, 2009