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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

Measurement of the H → γγ and H → ZZ∗ → 4 cross-sections in pp collisions at √s = 13.6 TeV with the ATLAS detector

S.H. Huang, D.K. Paredes Hernandez, L. Pizzimento, K.C. Tam, Y.J. Tu, (with The ATLAS collaboration)

The European Physical Journal C, Vol. 84(1), 78:1-34, 2024

Constraints on simplified dark matter models involving an s-channel mediator with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV

S.H. Huang, D.K. Paredes Hernandez, L. Pizzimento, K.C. Tam, Y.J. Tu, (with The ATLAS collaboration)

The European Physical Journal C, Vol. 84(10), 1102:1-37, 2024

Precise measurements of W- and Z-boson transverse momentum spectra with the ATLAS detector using pp collisions at √s = 5.02 TeV and 13 TeV

S.H. Huang, D.K. Paredes Hernandez, L. Pizzimento, K.C. Tam, Y.J. Tu, (with The ATLAS collaboration)

The European Physical Journal C, Vol. 84(10), 1126:1-60, 2024

Precise test of lepton flavour universality in W-boson decays into muons and electrons in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

S.H. Huang, D.K. Paredes Hernandez, L. Pizzimento, K.C. Tam, Y.J. Tu, (with The ATLAS collaboration)

The European Physical Journal C, Vol. 84(10), 993:1-33, 2024

Search for top-philic heavy resonances in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

S.H. Huang, D.K. Paredes Hernandez, K.C. Tam, Y.J. Tu, (with The ATLAS collaboration)

The European Physical Journal C, Vol. 84(2), 157:1-32, 2024

Measurement of the production cross-section of J/ψ and ψ(2S) mesons in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

S.H. Huang, D.K. Paredes Hernandez, L. Pizzimento, K.C. Tam, Y.J. Tu, (with The ATLAS collaboration)

The European Physical Journal C, Vol. 84(2), 169:1-30, 2024