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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

Current-Induced Spin Polarization in a Two-Dimensional Hole Gas

C.X. Liu, B. Zhou, S.Q. Shen, B.F. Zhu

Physical Review B, Vol.77, 125345:1-13, 2008

Quantum Monte Carlo study of a two-species bosonic Hubbard model

S. Guertler, M. Troyer, F.C. Zhang

Physical Review B, Vol.77, 184505:1-6, 2008

Double Quantum Dot as Detector of Spin Bias

Q.F. Sun, Y.X. Xing, S.Q. Shen

Physical Review B, Vol.77, 195313:1-6, 2008

Using spin bias to manipulate and measure spin in quantum dots

H.Z. Lu, S.Q. Shen

Physical Review B, Vol.77, 235309:1-13, 2008

Charge Relaxation Resistance at Atomic Scale: An ab initio Calculation

B. Wang, J. Wang

Physical Review B, Vol.77, 245309:1-5, 2008

Symmetry of Superconducting States with Two Orbitals on a Tetragonal Lattice: Application to LaFeAsO1-xFx

Y. Zhou, W.Q. Chen, F.C. Zhang

Physical Review B, Vol.78, 064514:1-8, 2008