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Academic StaffBACK

Prof. Xiaodong Cui
Chair Professor, Associate Head
B.S. USTC; Ph.D. Ariz State

Room 209, Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building

The University of Hong Kong

Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong

2859 8975

2859 8975

2559 9152


Professor Xiaodong Cui got his B.S. in physics at University of Science and Technology of China and PhD at Arizona State University. After his PhD, he did a joint postdoctoral research at Columbia University and IBM. He has been working at Physics department, University of Hong Kong since 2004. 

Research Interests

Professor Cui's research interests and experiences cover various subjects on spin and valley physics in semiconductors. Recently his research group conducted several pioneering experiments on optical properties of atomically thin 2D crystals in aspects of spin and valley physics.

Selected Publications
  1. “Exciton-exciton Interaction in Monolayer MoSe2 from Mutual Screening of Coulomb Binding”, K Xiao, T Yan, C Xiao, F Fan, R Duan, Z Liu, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, Wang Yao and Xiaodong Cui, arXiv:2308.14362 (2023)

  2. “In-Plane Electric-Field-Induced Orbital Hybridization of Excitonic States in Monolayer WSe2”, Bairen Zhu, Ke Xiao, Siyuan Yang, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, and Xiaodong Cui, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 036901 (2023)

  3. “Anomalously robust valley polarization and valley coherence in bilayer WS2”, Bairen Zhu, Hualing Zeng, Junfeng Dai, Zhirui Gong, Xiaodong Cui, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences111(32), 11606-11611 (2014)

  4. “Optical signature of symmetry variations and spin-valley coupling in atomically thin tungsten dichalcogenides”, Hualing Zeng, Gui-Bin Liu, Junfeng Dai,Yajun Yan, Bairen Zhu, Ruicong He, Lu Xie, Shijie Xu, Xianhui Chen, Wang Yao, Xiaodong Cui, Scientific Reports, 10.1038 (2013)

  5. “Valley polarization in MoS2 monolayers by optical pumping”, Hualing Zeng, Junfeng Dai, Wang Yao, Di Xiao, Xiaodong Cui, Nature Nanotechnology, 7, 490–493 (2012)


Recent Research Grants
  1. General Research Fund (GRF) 2020 (PI): The optical study on twisted bilayer 2D semiconductors (HKU Project Code: 17300520)
  2. General Research Fund (GRF) 2023/24 (PI): The optical spectroscopic study on dark excitons in 2D semiconductors (HKU Project Code: 17301223)