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Academic StaffBACK

Dr. Fung Kiu Chow
Assistant Lecturer
B.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. HKU

Room 104C, Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building

The University of Hong Kong

Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong

2219 4265

2219 4265

2559 9152


Dr. Judy Fung Kiu Chow completed her undergraduate and postgraduates studies both from the department of physics of HKU. She has taught undergraduate courses in computational physics, introductory physics, mathematical methods of physics, and quantum physics for many years. Dr Chow always welcome students to share with her their thoughts on teaching and learning as well as their study life in HKU.

Selected Publications
  1. “How to attain maximum profit in minority game?”, H.F. Chau and F.K. Chow, Physica A 312, 277-284 (2002)
  2. “Multiple choice minority game”, F.K. Chow and H.F. Chau, Physica A 319, 601-615 (2003) 
  3. “Minority game with peer pressure”, H.F. Chau, F.K. Chow, and K.H. Ho, Physica A 332, 483-495 (2004)
  4. “How to avoid fooling around in minority game?”, H.F. Chau and F.K. Chow, InterJournal Complex Systems 514, 1-5 (2004)
  5. “Multichoice minority game: dynamics and global cooperation”, F.K. Chow and H.F. Chau, Physica A 337, 288-306 (2004) 
  6. “Wealth inequality in the minority game”, K.H. Ho, F.K. Chow, and H.F. Chau, Physical Review E 70, 066110 (2004)
  7. “Multiple choice minority game with different publicly known histories”, H.F. Chau, F.K. Chow, K.H. Ho, and W.C. Man, New Journal of Physics 7, 206 (2005)
  8. “Memory is relevant in the symmetric phase of the minority game”, K.H. Ho, W.C. Man, F.K. Chow, and H.F. Chau, Physical Review E 71, 066120 (2005)
  9. “Playing the hypothesis testing minority game in the maximal reduced strategy space”, H.F. Chau, V.H. Chan, and F.K. Chow, Physica A 387, 5874-5886 (2008)