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Simulating Pulsar Spindown Dynamics in Binary Systems: Insights from PSR J0737-3039

Speaker Dr. Yici ZHONG
Affiliation Caltech
Date December 19, 2024 (Thursday)
Time 2:30 p.m.
Venue MW103, 1/F, Meng Wah Complex, Main Campus, The University of Hong Kong

Pulsars, highly magnetized and rapidly rotating neutron stars, exhibit multi-wavelength emission due to complex magnetospheric structures and their interplay with plasma dynamics. While extensive studies on isolated pulsars have advanced our understanding of their energy output and particle acceleration, pulsars in binary systems pose unique challenges due to interactions with companion winds. In this talk, I will present particle-in-cell simulation results quantifying the spindown and energy dynamics of pulsars within confined magnetospheres, with specific focus on PSR J0737-3039. We explore implications for observed spindown modulation, magnetic field estimates, and the broader applicability to interacting neutron star systems, laying groundwork for future theoretical and observational synergies.