The theme of SMEE-2013 is the industrial and the academic perspectives on computational electronics for emerging systems, materials and devices. The three day event will also include a joint symposium with the London Center for Nanotechnology of UK. The format of the Workshop will consist of 90 minute extended keynote presentations by several prominent and internationally renowned scientists and researchers from USA, England and China. In addition, there will be several 45 minute review presentations from the senior researchers affiliated with the Area of Excellence (AoE) initiative on ‘Theory, Modeling and Simulation of Emerging Electronics’ in Hong Kong. There will be no contributed talks for this year.
Prof. Mansan Chan, ECE, HKUST
Prof. Guanhua Chen, Cheminsty, HKU
Prof. Hong Guo, Physics, HKU & McGill Univ., Canada
Dr. Jason Sun, Chemistry, HKU
Prof. Jian Wang, Physics, HKU
Dr. Ferdows Zahid, Physics, HKU
Prof. Fuchun Zhang, Physics, HKU