First Announcement:
The Second Asia-Pacific Physics Workshop – Frontier in Condensed Matter will be held June 21 –June 24, 2004 in Hong Kong. Asia-Pacific Physics Workshop will be held twice a year, with one in Japan, and the other in a country or region outside Japan with the location rotated. The First Workshop was held Nov. 5-9, 2003 in Sendai, Japan.
The Second Asia-Pacific Workshop will cover topics such as strongly correlated electrons, metal oxides, spintronics, molecular solid, and physics in low dimensions. The structure of the Workshop has been designed to stimulate exchange of ideas and international cooperation, especially in the Asia-Pacific Rim region, through a timely discussion of latest scientific results. The Workshop will include invited talks and poster sessions. There will be oral presentation for posters (2 minutes for each poster). All of the oral presentations will be taken place in the main auditorium. A web page containing up-to-date Workshop information will be available soon.
Registration deadline will be March 31, 2004. Limited financial support for local expenses may be available. Abstract submission will be electronically, and the details will be announced in the near future. Accompanying persons program will be organized. The Workshop is jointly sponsored by all the Physics Departments in Hong Kong’s universities. You may contact with the corresponding member in the organization committee in your country/region or visit for further information.
International Advisory Committee:
C. W. Paul Chu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Hidetoshi Fukuyama, Tohoku University, Sendai
Robert Laughlin, Stanford University (to be confirmed)
Patrick A. Lee, MIT
Nai-Phuan Ong, Princeton University
C. N. R. Rao, Nehru Center fro Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore
T. Maurice Rice, ETH-Zurich
Yoshinori Tokura, University of Tokyo (to be confirmed)
Maw-Kuen Wu, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei
Zhong-Xian Zhao, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
Organization Committee:
G. Baskaran, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai (India)
K. S. Chan, City University of Hong Kong
C. W. Paul Chu, (Honorary Chair) Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Jisoon Ihm, Seoul National University
C.H. Lam, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
T. K. Lee, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei
H. Q. Lin, Chinese University of Hong Kong
S. Maekawa, Tohoku University, Sendai
N. Nagaosa, University of Tokyo
T. K. Ng, Co-Chair, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
L. H. Tang, Hong Kong Baptist University
Lu Yu, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
F. C. Zhang, (Co-Chair) University of Hong Kong