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MOU signed between HKU and CERN

Representatives Prof. Albert de Roeck & Prof. Joe Incandela (CERN)
Prof. W.S. Cheung, Prof. F.C. Zhang, Dr. J.K.C. Leung & Dr. J.C.S. Pun (HKU)
Date July 13, 2012 (Fri)
Time 10:00 a.m.
Venue Rm 518, Chong Yuet Ming Phyiscs Building, HKU

MOU signed between HKU and CERN

The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) announced the observation of Higgs-like particle in both their ATLAS and Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiments on July 4, 2012 in Geneva, and on July 13, 2012, it signed an Expression of Interest (EOI) with Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, HKU to promote academic and educational exchange between the 2 institutions. Collaborations will be established that allow HKU academic and research staff to participate in the research program of CERN in general, and the CMS experiment in particular. CMS will host research postgraduate students from HKU undertaking research in particle physics and related aspects of detector physics; data analysis; and information technology.

The EOI was signed by Prof Joe Incandela, spokesperson of CMS, CERN, Professor W S Cheung, Acting Dean of Science, and Professor Fuchun Zhang, Head of Department of Physics, in the presence of Professor Albert de Roeck of CERN and Dr John Leung and Dr Jason Pun of the Department of Physics.