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News and Events


Conference and Workshop

Miniworkshop on Quantum Phase Transition and Spintronics

Date July 26, 2006 (Wed)
Time 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Venue Lecture Theatre T3, Meng Wah Complex, HKU
Key Speaker Prof. Xiao-Gang Wen at MIT
Prof. Naoto Nagaosa at Tokyo University

Jointly organized by Centre of Theoretical and Computational Physics and Department of Physics, HKU; Department of Physics, HKUST; and Physical Society of Hong Kong

Xiao-Gang Wen and Naoto Nagaosa are among the most distinguished and active physicists in their generation. They will be visiting Hong Kong as distinguished visitors jointly sponsored by HKUST and HKU. We would like to use this opportunity to organize a miniworkshop to introduce their recent researches. There will also be a talk given by Prof. Pengcheng Dai from Oak Ridge Lab. and Univ. of Tennessee, as well as several short talks from local physicists.


Morning session: Quantum Phase Transition
9:30 -10:15am

Xiao-Gang Wen, MIT
Quantum phase transition in bi-layer fractional quantum Hall system


Pengcheng Dai, Univ. of Tennessee
Neutron scattering in high temperature superconductors

11:00-11:20am Coffee break
11:20-12:05pm Xiao-Gang Wen, MIT
Edge excitations in non-Abelian fractional quantum Hall states
12:05-12:25 Tai Kai Ng, HKUST
Microwave-induced Zero-resistance State-an example of non equilibrium quantum phase transition
12:30- 2:00pm Lunch
Afternoon session: Spintronics
2:00-2:45 pm Naoto Nagaosa, Tokyo Univ.
Theories of spin Hall effect - quantum spin Hall system and localization problem

Xiao-dong Cui, HKU
Observed charge current induced by optically injected spin current

3:05-3:25pm Shun-qing Shen, HKU
Spin transverse force on spin current in an electric field
3:25-3:45pm Coffee break
3:45-4:30pm  Naoto Nagaosa, Tokyo Univ.
Spin current and magneto-electric effect

Yan Chen, HKU
Quantum phase transition and quantum entanglement

4:50-5:10pm Xudong Xiao, HKUST
Observation of a pseudogap in disc-like Pb islands


* The workshop is partially supported by Faculty of Science at HKUST, Center of Theoretical and Computational Physics and Department of Physics. It is also a part of activities of the HK’s RGC Group Proposal.