We have carried out far-infrared (far-IR) transmission measurements on the ligand stabilized Au55 nanoparticles dispersed in Teflon at volume fractions ranging from 0.2% to 1%. Instead of a series of peaks which might arise from the electron transition between discrete energy levels, we have observed a broad far-IR absorption coefficient that follows ∝√ω-Δ with an onset at Δ ∼10 cm-1.Furthermore this frequency dependence is totally different from that of the expected absorption due to the induced electric dipole. The onset of the absorption reminiscent of an energy gap Δ at ∼10 cm-1 (∼1.2 meV) is surprisingly smaller than that of the expected for a metal sphere of 5.3 Å in radius and independent of temperature. In this work we did not observe the level correlation effect on the far-IR absorption predicted for an ensemble of metal nanoparticles. It is concluded that Au55 nanoparticles behave like a three-dimensional (3D) semimetal with an energy gap Δ ∼10 cm-1 rather than a giant atom.
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