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Joint Seminar - Center of Theoretical and Computational Physics & Physics Department
Macroscopic super-radiance and squeezed photons from exciton condensate in electron-hole bilayer systems

Speaker Prof. Jinwu Ye
Affiliation Department of Physics, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Date August 7, 2008 (Thu)
Time 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Venue Room 522, 5/F, Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building, HKU


In conventional non-linear quantum optics, the generation of squeezed photons requires an action of a strong classical pump and a large non-linear susceptibility. The emitting photon intensity of a laser is only proportional to the number of atoms N when the pump is above the threshold. We show that due to the macroscopic coherence of excitons in the exciton condensate in semiconductor electron-hole bilayer systems, the photons emitted from the exciton condensate are in a two mode squeezed state, the photon intensity takes a macroscopic super-radiant form which is proportional to N2 where N is the number of excitons. The unique features of macroscopic super-radiant and squeezed photons from the exciton condensate can be crucial for high precision measurements such as the detection of gravitational waves, quantum communication, quantum information processing and also for the development of a new generation of powerful optoelectronic devices.

Coffee and tea will be served 20 minutes prior to the seminar.