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News and Events


Conference and Workshop

International Astronomical Union Symposium 251 Organic Matter in Space

Date February 18-22, 2008
Venue Loke Yew Hall, Main building, The University of Hong Kong
Banquet Victoria City Restaurant
Date: February 21, 2008(Thursday)
Address: Shop G201 The Repulse Bay, 109 Repulse Bay Road, Hong Kong

We warmly invite you to the University of Hong Kong for the Symposium 251 of the International Astronomical Union, which will be held from Monday, February 18, through Friday, February 22, 2008. This symposium will serve to bring together an international interdisciplinary group of researchers to share and discuss a topic of very high current scientific interest. By bringing the astronomical, solar system, and laboratory communities together, we hope to stimulate new ideas and seek solutions to the many unsolved mysteries associated with the origin, evolution, and distribution of organic compounds in space.

Scientific Organizing Committee

Peter Bernath (U.K.)
Thomas Geballe (U.S.A.)
Thomas Henning (Germany)
William Irvine (U.S.A.)
Sun Kwok (co-chair) (China)
Karl Menten (Germany)
Tom Millar (U.K.)
Yvonne Pendleton (U.S.A.)
Scott Sandford (co-chair) (U.S.A.)
Setsuko Wada (Japan)
Ernst Zinner (U.S.A.)

Local Organizing Committee
Kwing L. Chan (HKUST)
K.S. Cheng (HKU)
Albert C. Cheung (HK City U)
Allan S.C. Cheung (HKU)
Sun Kwok (co-chair) (HKU)
Chun Ming Leung (HK Open U)
Junichi Nakashima (HKU)
Steve Pointing (HKU)
Jason C.S. Pun (co-chair) (HKU)