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News and Events


Conference and Workshop

Hong Kong Forum of Physics 2022: Frontiers of Quantum Materials Research

Date December 12 - 15, 2022 (Mon - Thu)
Venue Lecture Theatre T4 - 5, 1F, Meng Wah Complex, The University of Hong Kong


We are pleased to announce ″Hong Kong Forum of Physics 2022: Frontiers of Quantum Materials Research″ to be held at the University of Hong Kong from December 12 to 15, 2022 in a hybrid mode. This is the 11th one of this Forum series since 2006 (information about previous events can be found here).

Quantum materials research has given us deeper understandings of the quantum behavior of the materials and provided great promises for realizing quantum devices with new functionalities that operates with the principles of the quantum physics. There have been many important discoveries and progresses recently. We organize this forum to bring together the active researchers in the field to share their new findings and ideas in Hong Kong. The main topics of the conference include:

  • Quantum electron transport in low-dimensional materials
  • Quantum many-body phenomena and fluctuations
  • Quantum valley and spin physics
  • Non-trivial superconductivity and magnetism
  • Light-matter interactions in quantum materials
  • Synthesis and engineering of quantum materials
  • Physics and applications of quantum devices

Local Organizers and Institutions

Dongkeun Ki (The University of Hong Kong) (Chair)
Wang Yao (The University of Hong Kong) (Co-chair)
Maohai Xie (The University of Hong Kong)
Xiaodong Cui (The University of Hong Kong)
Ning Wang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Sen Yang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)