Computational approaches are playing increasingly important role in the advances of condensed matter physics and quantum material research, in particular, in quantum many-body systems, where strong correlations among multiple degrees of freedom including electronic, spin, lattice and orbital, have rendered conventional analytic and perturbative methods inadequate. On the other hand, modern computational approaches, such as exact diagonalization, quantum Monte Carlo, density matrix renormalization group, tensor network renormalization group and neural network and artificial intelligence, are inherently non-perturbative and unbiased, and could, in principle, tackle quantum many-body systems in controlled manner.
In light of the rapid developments in computational approaches, and the lack of their systematically introduction and education to senior undergraduate and graduate students and junior researchers in the Hong Kong area, we would like to organize the Hong Kong Computational Physics Study Group. The form of the study group is flexible, on average, one or two seminar talks during the week and one hands-on tutorial during the weekend per month from September to November 2019.
The purpose of the study group is to provide a full coverage of modern computational techniques to give in-depth understanding and first-hand experience to students and junior researchers, and subsequently boost the research activities and developments of these computational approaches in quantum many- body systems in Hong Kong area. The selected lecturers are active researchers working in the very front of these fields, and the interactions and potential collaborations between the lecturers and participants are strongly encouraged.
Invited Speakers and Lecturers
- Exact diagonalization
Prof. Andreas Laeuchli (University of Innsbruck, Austria) (Presentation File 1, Presentation File 2)
Lecture 1: Basics of Exact Diagonalization
Time: 14:00 Tuesday (Sep. 10)
Venue: CPD-LG.62, LG/F, Central Podium, Centennial Campus, HKU
Lecture 2: Applications of ED in Frontier Physics
Time: 14:00 Wednesday (Sep. 11)
Venue: CPD-2.14, 2/F, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
Dr. Hanqing Wu (Sun Yat-Sen University) (Presentation File 1, Presentation File 2)
Tutorial and Code Demonstration
Time: 10:00 Friday (Sep.13)
Venue: CPD-G.01, G/F, Cheng Yu Tung Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
- Quantum Monte Carlo for Interacting System
Dr. Zi Yang Meng (The University of Hong Kong) (Presentation File)
Lecture 1: Basics of Quantum Monte Carlo Simulation
Time: 14:00 Wednesday (Oct. 9)
Venue: KKLG111, LG1/F, K.K. Leung Building, HKU
Lecture 2: Applications in quantum material research
Time: 14:30 Thursday (Oct. 10)
Venue: Room 522, 5/F, Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building, HKU
Gaopei Pan and Chuhao Li (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science) (Presentation File 1, Presentation File 2, Presentation File 3)
Tutorial and Code Demonstration
Time: 10:00 Friday (Oct.11)
Venue: CPD-3.16, 3/F, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
- Quantum Monte Carlo for interacting fermions
Prof. Fakher Assaad (University of Wuerzburg, Germany)
- Quantum Monte Carlo for spin/boson systems & Numeric and topological order & MPS and DMRG
Prof. Yang Qi (Fudan University) and Dr. Zheng Yan (Fudan University/The University of Hong Kong) (Presentation File)
Lecture 1: Numeric and topological order & Quantum Monte Carlo for spin systems
Time: 14:00 Monday & 10:00 Tuesday (Nov. 4 & 5)
Venue: MB103, 1/F, Main Building, HKU & Room 522, 5/F, Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building, HKU
Prof. Ying-Jer Kao (National Taiwan University)
(Presentation File 1, Presentation File 2, Presentation File 3, Presentation File 4)
Lecture 2: From DMRG & MPS to Tensor Network
Time: 14:00 Wednesday & 10:00 Thursday (Nov. 6 & 7)
Venue: CPD-2.16, 2/F, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU & CPD-G.02, G/F, Cheng Yu Tung Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
Mr. Zheng Zhou (Fudan University) (Presentation File)
Lecture 3: Imaginary time dynamics (Analytic Continuation)
Time: 10:00 Friday (Nov. 8)
Venue: Room 522, 5/F, Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building, HKU
Prof. Stefan Wessel (RWTH Aachen University)
Dr. Ling Wang (Zhejiang University)
- Tensor-network states and Renormalization Group
Prof. Tao Xiang, Academician (Institute of Physics, CAS)
Prof. Zhengcheng Gu (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Dr. Rui-Zhen Huang (Kavli Institute of Theoretical Sciences, UCAS)
Zi Yang, Meng (The University of Hong Kong)
Jun Wei, Liu (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Jian, Wang (The University of Hong Kong)
Fuchun, Zhang (Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences, The University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
HKU-UCAS Joint Institute of Theoretical and Computational Physics at Hong Kong
Computational Initiative at Faculty of Science, HKU