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First principle Modeling of Nanoelectronics

Speaker Prof. J. Wang
Affiliation Department of Physics, The University of Hong Kong
Date April 23, 2009 (Thu)
Time 5:00-6:30 p.m.
Venue Lecture Theatre P4, Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building


In this talk, I will first give a brief introduction on the history of nano-science followed with some discussions on the physics quantum transport. Finally, I will talk about the transport with an atomic view.



Physics Department will start to organize a series of colloquia, to introduce cutting edge researches and new development in physics. The physics colloquia are designed suitable to graduate and undergraduate students, and also to scientists working on different fields. Each colloquium will generally start with an extensive introduction of the background of the field, followed by forefront research topics and results. The colloquium will serve as an education forum for students and laymen alike, and also serve as a platform for exchange and update their knowledge of various branches of physics among the academy staff members.


The first talk of this Colloquium series will be given by Prof. Jian Wang from Physics Department, HKU. The title of his talk will be “First principles Modeling of Nano-electronics”. Prof. Wang is a recent recipient of the prestigious Croucher Senior Fellowship. In collaboration with H. Guo at McGill University, Prof. Wang has developed a new and successful ab initio method to study quantum transport in nano-electronic devices. Their work represents an important step towards nano-electronics and has laid foundation of first principles theory and modeling of molecular electronics.