Collimated, relativistic outflows have been observed or inferred to originate from supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies, solar-mass compact objects in binaries and gamma-ray bursts. A theoretical paradigm envisions that these come from rotating objects (neutron stars, black-hole ergospheres, or accretion disks) threaded by strong magnetic fields. The magnetic fields extract rotational energy from the compact objects launching jet flows.
Despite recent progress in the field, we still lack a coherent connection between the jet dynamics, the electromagnetic radiation emitted by these sources and their potential in accelerating cosmic rays. The guiding theme that I propose for such a connection is the dissipation of magnetic energy in the jet. This key process connects aspects of the structure of jets, particle acceleration and radiation mechanisms and can explain very puzzling observations of these objects.
The last part of the talk deals with a novel type of transient jets from galactic centers which, I argue, are likely to come from tidal disruption of stars by a supermassive black hole.
Coffee and tea will be served 20 minutes prior to the seminar.