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News and Events


Conference and Workshop

Daya Bay Collaboration Meeting

Date January 12-15, 2007
Venue Lecture Theatre P3, Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building, The University of Hong Kong

The collaboration meeting will be held at the University of Hong Kong from 12 to 15 Jan, 2007, right after the International Symposium on Neutrino Physics and Neutrino Cosmology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Daya Bay visit. The meeting will be held at The University of Hong Kong (HKU), Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building lecture hall P3 (map available here, building code CYP). Some work group meetings will be held at the James Lee Building (building code JL) in addition to the CYM Physics Buliding. Information about this meeting can be found here. For general questions about traveling and visiting Hong Kong, please contact either Ms Anisia Tang (Office: 2241-5747, Email: or Jason Pun (Office: 2859-1962, Mobile: 9131-7356, Email: