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An Odyssey from Quantum Mechanics through the Path of Quantum Information Processing

Speaker Dr. H.F. Chau
Affiliation Department of Physics, The University of Hong Kong
Date November 5, 2010
Time 5:00pm
Venue Lecture Theatre T4, 1/F, Meng Wah Complex



This talk gives an overview of quantum information processing, perhaps the latest child of quantum mechanics conceived about two decades ago, and how ideas of quantum information processing help to attack and answer some fundamental problems in quantum mechanics. I will also present some of the recent findings in my own journey along the path of quantum information processing to quantum mechanics, namely, results related to quantum speed limit, non-commutativity and certain unitary matrix

About the Speaker:

Dr. H. F. Chau obtained his B.Sc. and Ph.D. from HKU. He did his postdoctoral work in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton before joining HKU again. Currently, he is an associate professor in the Physics Department. He has been working in quantum computation and related areas since 1994 shortly after the discovery of the famous Shor's algorithm. His contributions in quantum information processing include a no-go theorem on the impossibility of quantum bit commitment, an unconditional security proof of entanglement-based quantum key distribution, discovery of certain quantum error-correcting codes on qudits and discovery of the most errortolerant prepared-and-measured-based qubit quantum key distribution scheme known to date. He is now interested to see how quantum information processing ideas can be used to study fundamental problemsin quantum mechanics.
Physics colloquium series is organized to introduce cutting edge researches and new development in physics, designed to be suitable to graduate and undergraduate students, and also to scientists working on different fields. Each colloquium will generally start with an extensive introduction of the background of the field, followed by forefront research topics and results. The colloquium will serve as an education forum for students and laymen alike, and also serve as a platform for exchange and update their knowledge of various branches of physics among academic staff members.