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News and Events


Conference and Workshop

A Mini-workshop on "Gamma-ray Sky from Fermi: Neutron Stars and their Environment"

Date June 21-25, 2010
Venue Lecture Theatre T2, Meng Wah Complex, The University of Hong Kong

Purpose of the Workshop:

Fermi has detected over thousand gamma-ray point sources. Nature of most of these sources is still unknown. Most important data of Fermi is publicly available. In this workshop we would like to discuss what topics are commonly interested in the participants and we will offer a mini-training course for postgraduate students. We hope that this mini-workshop can benefit to all participants and results in collaboration among us.




Discussion Topics:

  • Very old gamma-ray pulsars - why do they still survive?
  • Gamma-ray binaries and their orbital dependent spectral properties
  • Gamma-rays from magnetars?
  • Various population studies
  • Correlation between gamma-rays and x-rays
  • Phase-resolved spectrum
  • Emission morphology of MSPs
  • Unidentified gamma-ray transient sources detected by Fermi