Topological photonics is a rapid growing field of physics nowadays. With all kinds of robust and one-way propagating boundary states protected by symmetries, topological photonics shows great potential in modern optical applications and devices, such as integrated photonic circuits and chips, light communication and computing, as well as laser design and so on. In recent years, more and more new topological systems and modes are emerging with interesting physics and promising application potential, such as Higher-order topological insulators and photonics. At the same time, the research of new materials such as 2D materials also boosted the field of topological photonics and polaritons, bringing the topological properties from photons to quasiparticles via light-matter interactions. This seminar will mainly focus on higher-order topological systems, and topological transition in polaritons induced by coupling between photonic crystals and low-dimensional materials.
Anyone interested is welcome to attend.