Numerous pragmatic propositions aimed at realizing topological superconductivity and Majorana zero modes (MZM) have undergone rigorous theoretical and experimental examination. Despite inconclusive experimental outcomes, the theoretical foundations of the field have consistently propelled ongoing advancements. On the other hand, the layered assembly of two-dimensional materials has opened up versatile opportunities for engineering material properties, facilitated by interlayer hybridization and the effects of moiré superlattice.
This seminar provides a comprehensive review of MZM developments in condensed matter. Among prior proposals, the initially promising one-dimensional nanowire scheme has become a subject of controversy. The model requires additional refinement to accommodate intricate experimental phenomena, such as the orbital effect, disorders, and the inhomogeneous chemical potential. For two-dimensional systems, we propose the realization of topological superconductors based on marginally twisted bilayers of transition metal dichalcogenides in proximity to a conventional s-wave superconductor. Majorana Fermions emerge at domain boundaries of the AB and A'B' stacking domains due to the sign flip across the domain wall in the Rashba spin-orbit coupling coefficient at the valence band edge. In contrast to previous models allowing only one Majorana per boundary, each domain wall can host two helical Majorana edge states with the same Majorana polarization, preventing hybridization. This presents a promising new platform for investigating Majorana physics. Furthermore, our investigation delves into the intricate interplay between the moiré-defined textures and the Majorana Fermions along the domain wall. In the context of chiral channels of Majorana, a gapless Dirac cone emerges within the mini-Brillouin zone, originating from the presence of chiral Majoranas. Conversely, gapped states with finite energy are observed on the domain wall for helical channels of Majorana.